Proactive Healthcare to enable

Healthy activity and prolong working life.

Seminars, Workshops for Community Engagement

Highlighting & Profiling Best In Industry

Methodology & Training for individuals and organisations

Research & Consultancy for Business and Government

Encouraging Positive Healthy Aging

Life Liberated is a group of professional who’s remit is to promote Proactive Healthcare to enable healthy activity and prolong working life. A Whole-Body and Holistic approach for Body, Heart and Mental Health, through development of Products, Technologies, Services and Interactive Education.

We work with organisations in the development of programs to manage the Ageing Curve concept. Delivering through many channels, such as online platforms or live community engagement events.

We also develop client branded workbooks for their resident participants to fill in as they progress through the ‘5 ways to Wellbeing’.  Underpinned by participants setting goals and objectives for liberating outcomes of improving their lives. 

Our future reality

More than 10 million people in the UK today can expect to see their 100th birthday, compared to 15,000 current centenarians.

Keeping people healthy and independent is absolutely necessary considering the future of our healthcare system.

Planning for your future self, free of physical or mental aliment, will be reliant on businesses providing more inclusive products and services.

We are heading for the 100 year life span !

Discussion Reviews

UK’s aging society “GRAND CHALLENGE”

The UK population is ageing, and we need to harness the power of innovative design and digital enhancement to help meet the needs of an ageing society.

The 100 year life will be more common which will require people to plan their careers and retirement differently.

Our ageing population will create new demands for technologies, products and services, including new care technologies, new housing models and innovative savings products for retirement. It will also create new markets and opportunities.

We have an obligation to help our older citizens lead independent, fulfilled lives, and continuing to contribute to business and society as a whole.

If we succeed, we will create an economy which works for everyone, regardless of age.


Taking the root words of “Agepathy,” we get “age” and “opathy.” “age” refers to getting older, while “opathy” refers to suffering or disease.


Unfortunately in our modern world of poorer environments, and processed foods – getting old now means dealing with a greater number of physical and mental health issues.

Increasing health awareness along with age planning is the essence of LifeLiberated!

Information and White Paper

Ageing: the silver lining

The opportunities and challenges of an ageing society for local government.

UK’s Local Government Association (LGA) and its current focus on Ageing in the UK. The “the challenges and opportunities” that this will present to local government and local communities over the next 15 – 30 years will be unprecedented.

A PDF with the outline of how the group conducted its work is accessible here

The scale of demographic change over the next 25 years is going to be dramatic, with statistic like older people will outnumber the number of children under five years old with a 65% increase in the number of over 65 year olds!

The financial challenges that this presents are huge and have been well rehearsed by various commentators.

Key Team Members

Jamie Sheridan

Senior Partner

Import / Export


Gareth Hicks


Podiatry Profession

Sales Consultant

Lynn Coulsting
Lynn Coulsting


Occupational therapist


Rodney Rees Jones


Sales & Marketing

Owain Fraser-Williams


Lifestyles Manager

Register, and keep updated

Keep up to date with Health Programs in your area.
See the latest innovative products and services to help liberate your life.


Educational events to enable understating of issues and opportunities.



Life Curve - Social Care Integration

10:00 - 12:00 AM
A talk about Ways to Wellbeing and setting goals and objectives
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09:30 - 12:30 AM

Morning of Health & Wellbeing workshops at the Stoke Town Hall.
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Introduction to Ways to Wellbeing Workshop Webinar

09:30 - 12:30 AM

Delivered by the Ageing Curve team for the Stoke Digital Innovation and Education Hub over the next 4 months both online and face to face in the Stoke area.
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Diabetic Foot Education Webinar (Stoke on Trent)

09:30 - 12:30 AM

This workshop delivered by Podiatrist and Trainer Gareth Hicks is designed to fit in with our range of Physical and Mental Health & Wellbeing Sessions with a focus on Healthy Ageing.
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Physical Health & Wellbeing Webinar (Stoke on Trent)

09:30 - 12:30 AM

This workshop delivered by Professional Fitness Coach and Trainer Owain Fraser-Williams is designed to fit in with our range of Physical and Mental Health & Wellbeing Sessions with a focus on Healthy Ageing.
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Mental Health & Wellbeing Webinar (Stoke on Trent)

09:30 - 12:30 AM

This workshop delivered by specialist therapist Tracey Cole. The webinar is designed to fit in with our range of Physical and Mental Health & Wellbeing Sessions with a focus on Healthy Ageing.
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Diabetic Foot Education Webinar (Stoke on Trent)

09:30 - 12:30 AM

This workshop delivered by Podiatrist and Trainer Gareth Hicks is designed to fit in with our range of Physical and Mental Health & Wellbeing Sessions with a focus on Healthy Ageing.
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