Health discussion and view points

Topics we need to talk about MORE!

LifeLiberated agenda

Our objective is to improve knowledge and access to technology and products;  access to information for informed decisions about people’s own Healthy Ageing, Physical & Mental Health and Wellbeing.

We deliver projects for local authorities for community engagement for social impact.

To provide a network of  ‘bricks and mortar’ venues, to provide a Healthy Ageing Superstore with a focus on Body & Heart and Mind & Soul.

Panorama Obesity: Who Cares if I’m Bigger?

After the prime minister launched his strategy to help the nation lose weight over Eighteen months,  actress Clair Norris (from EastEnders), wants to know if it is working as she herself struggles with being overweight.

Obesity's Image

Good Morning Britain’s Piers Morgan, has a typical heavy discussion with Model Angelina Duplisea with his opinion about her glorifying “Obesity” in a pop video.

Obesity ! Should it be considered a Chronic Disease

Unhealthy eating habits, a lack of motivation and poor lifestyle choices are often blamed for rising rates of obesity. With statistics showing 40% of obesity cases thought to be linked to genetics.

Medical experts are now calling for the health condition to be recognised as a disease.

Understanding how the NHS works

Understanding the NHS and compare with other classic health care systems:

The Single Payer Health Care System (Canada / Traditional Medicare),

the Beveridge Health Care System, (United Kingdom / Veterans Affairs), and

the Bismarck Health Care System (Germany / Medicare Advantage).