Lynn Coulsting

Lynn Coulsting

Lynn is a therapist, with a wealth of experience with the health field. She developed Inspire Health as a therapy service designed for people who are sincere about making changes to themselves or their career. 

Qualified Occupational Therapist
(Health and Care Professionals Council registered)
Biopsychosocial interventions for clients, in both the physical and psychological fields, and have spent many years working within the public and private sectors. The overall aim of occupational therapy is to support a person to achieve their maximum potential.


Qualified Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist
(MSc Vocational Rehabilitation) and registered
Disability Management Professional (CDMP)
With many years of experience within the fields of return to work, remain in work and regain work for people with health conditions.

Qualified Coach, Counsellor and Psychotherapist, specialising in the fields of CBT (5 areas), Transactional Analysis, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy and Hypnosis.
Lynn has been effectively coaching clients and facilitating their self-growth for many years. Intervention is tailored to the client’s individual needs, providing a safe space for them to share and grow, enabling them to achieve their goals